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Business on a Browser - Jonathan Katz

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Simplify making your business virtual.

Industry Experience Licenses:

Management &

Technology Consulting


 About: At Business on a Browser we understand for most overworked small business owners there is a critical fourth P. Partners. We earn our right to be referred to as a Partner by obsessing with helping you to optimize your Process.

Specialties: Management & Technology Consulting, Real Estate, Personal Training

Ideal Clients: Startups and small businesses who want to transition their business to a browser.

Geography: New Jersey

Blog Posts:

Introducing Business on a Browser - Business on a browser helps companies that are not currently on the cloud or on the platform with their transition process. However, more than transitioning your business on the platform, BOAB will also help in understanding your key pain points and processes with the ultimate goal of improving your business. 

How To Return To Office After COVID - As a manager, if you can understand what your people are going through, you can better connect with them. If you can show that you are able to understand what they're going through, they're going to have much more energy and enthusiasm to jump back into working in person.

Surefire Ways to Protect Personal Identity And Business Data - Alerts are a big thing for cyber security as well. You want to make sure that you're being notified of any threat detections. You want to make sure you're being notified of malicious malware or attacks. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Tracy Spiaggia
Invaluable Resource

Most people in business for themselves want nothing more than to focus and channel their energies doing what they love. To have expert technological support like what Jonathan provides opens up that precious resource of time to work IN your business and not ON it.

Jake Meola
The customization you need with the service you deserve!

Have you ever thought, wow, if I could just change this program so that it does this instead of this, my business would be booming! Well now you have Jonathan and his team to help you on your way! He can build platforms and tweak existing programs so that it's a Goldilocks fit for your business. Call him now to see how you can give your business the boost it needs!

Anthony Guzman
Tech Tuesdays

Jonathan's tech Tuesday discussions are always informative and engaging.

Desirae Haluk
You want him on your team

Jonathan is not only super personable but an expert in his domain. He demonstrates his knowledge and passion in streamlining small business technology so that you can access everything in one browser whether or not its a Google Works Space app. He is in the business of automation and I can't imagine not having him as a resource. He offers a unique product and I highly recommend him.

Paul B. Taubman, II
You can be virtual!

One thing the pandemic taught us is that we don't always stay in one place, especially when it comes to our work environment. With remote access and business on a browser being essential for me this past year (and will continue going forward), I was able to keep my mind fresh while working from home as well as staying close with my family!

Jonathan has some of the best communication skills around: he breaks down complex topics into an easy-to-understand language which makes him an invaluable asset no matter what your needs are. He's detail-oriented too so you can trust his word - give him a call today!