Introducing Business on a Browser

Introducing Business on a Browser

About Business on a Browser (BOAB)

People are starting to get more and more comfortable with the cloud and operating their businesses remotely and from the browser. It is like having an ecosystem that sits on top of all systems where you can access and manage your business from anywhere.

Business on a browser helps companies that are not currently on the cloud or on the platform with their transition process. However, more than transitioning your business on the platform, BOAB will also help in understanding your key pain points and processes with the ultimate goal of improving your business. 

We focus on three main aspects: People, Process, and your Products. All three of these items combined are essentially what makes your business unique and who it is.

People: these are the actual employees, contractors, customers, clients that you work with. 

Process: this is how you do things, how you make things efficiently, how you make things easier or better for your customers while they're choosing you over a competitor.

Product: this is what you are offering or selling that is attracting the customers.

BOAB brings all three together and optimizes each aspect to make it easier to convert leads to sales. How do we do that?


When we come into a business, we generally start with a discovery or an interview period where we learn more about that business in order to provide the right recommendations. It is important to truly learn a business first before recommending the best solutions possible. 

Your People

  • Who is on your team?
  • Who do you work with?
  • Who do you contract with?
  • Are you fully staffed? 
  • Are you looking to hire more people? 
  • Are you a global team?
  • Do you work mostly in one country or one time zone?
  • How do your people work together?
  • What outside resources/partners do you rely on?

Your Product

  • How do you generate your revenue?
  • What are your top sellers?
  • What products do you think could be a game-changer in a year from now?
  • What products you might need help marketing or changing the messaging on?
  • What are the products that have been impacted or hurt by the pandemic?
  • What are the products that have just come out?
  • How do your products fit together? 

Your Process

  • How do you communicate internally?
  • How do your people and your products work together to get the items sold?
  • What does your opportunity pipeline look like?
  • How do you track metrics? How do you measure success?
  • How do you handle production issues?
  • What software tools do you currently use?

Once we learn more about your business and company, we can start recommending our products.

Our Product

It starts with our Partnership with Google and ends when you have mastered the art of the possible.

Google Workspace

9.3 out of 10 people have a Google email but email is just a very small piece of what Google Workspace is. You have access to a lot of tools that could really be helping you to improve your business. The tools available can be optimizing and automating certain processes that you do today. You can easily share and receive files. You can run better and more engaging meetings. Google workspace can help bring in new ideas to drive up engagement in the current virtual world. 

BOAB will help you use Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. Most businesses rely heavily on sheets and slides, BOAB can show you opportunities to combine the power of both to create powerful automation.

You probably have tons of apps installed on your phone but do you know that with Google Workspace, you have the ability to integrate apps that can be life-changing for you and your business?

Art of the Possible


Our Process 

1. We start by becoming your authorized Google Workspace Reseller and your personalized support. 

It means you are signing up for a dedicated support team. When you make the BOAB team your Google Workspace reseller, you are locking in a trusted partner to help manage your Google Workspace.

BOAB will be your dedicated admin to run your support if you have a problem and you run down to an outage. 

“You don't have to send an email to Google that will go into a queue and not respond to you for 48 hours. You send an email to me, send me a text, and I'll respond to you within five minutes.”

2. We conduct a free analysis of your current process to determine if you can qualify for the ADA and other Tax Credits.

We will analyze your entire tool suite and website. One of the most important things we do is check for ADA compliance. Making sure that your website is ADA compliant is part of the American Disability Act. It can put you and your business at serious risk.

If it turns out that your website is not ADA compliant, we will help you. If it turns out it is, you're then eligible for tax credits. Through that whole process, we're able to identify cost-saving metrics for your business.

3. We determine if there are ways to optimize your process.

We will present a list of things that we've seen after conducting our analysis of your business. We put together a backlog of user stories or requirements and present them to you.

4. We agree on a project, set a scope, a timeline, and deliver results. 

It is important to have an understanding of what scope you want to take on. Through an open conversation, we will agree on all important details of the project.

5. We implement the tools and procedures required to not only complete the project, but to train, transition, and support your team’s process adoption.

We are your implementation partners. After making recommendations and conducting reviews, we're also the ones who put our hands on the keyboard and do the building. What you get is a full end-to-end team supporting your transition.

Our People

Program Manager: Jonathan Katz

Jonathan is a seasoned consultant who is passionate about helping small and medium-sized businesses transform their ways of operating. 

Tax Advising CPA Dennis Harabin

Dennis is the founder of Relax Tax and is a Cloud enthusiast working tirelessly to bring in the tax incentives and benefits into your transformation.

More on ADA Compliance

Making sure that your site and your processes are compliant is important. It helps ensure that you're inclusive and you're not excluding anyone. Moreover, there are tax incentives that you can take advantage of. 

This goes to show that there are areas out there for you to take advantage of to better improve your business and allow you to help more people. With all the process improvement, there are very serious cost-saving opportunities that we bring to the table as well.

Learn more about Business on a Browser here.

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