A Drunk-Driving Victim to A Living Legacy: The Steven Benvenisti Story
On May 2022 Lunch and Learn Event: Legacy, Relax Teams invited Steven Benvenisti to share his inspiring story. Declare your legacy to the world. Start with those close to you...
Relax Teams
What will you be remembered for?
Legacy is about helping others and making a positive impact on those you will leave behind. Successful people don't just look after their own needs, but the needs of other people. They focus on the task in front of them and make sure that they are giving back to the world by adding value to it.
Re-shaping your future is not easy, but it can be extraordinary. How you can make your life mean something while building a legacy that will outlive you? Listen to stories of people who shaped their legacy through decisions they've made.
Our May 2022 Lunch and Learn Event discussed the following topics and more.
→ Identifying what you want to leave behind
→ Ensuring that your loved ones are protected when something happens to you
→ Restructuring your priorities to achieve your legacy goals
Programs to Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving
The injuries and death that this has caused are very alarming but there is one way to put an end to this. Tara Spohrer, who is the regional development director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, talked about their organization and how they respond to drunk or drugged driving. Not only that, but she also gave an overview of the services that they provide for those individuals that need guidance and support with cutting down alcohol consumption.
They say life is short, and with the current pandemic, it has never been more true. A lot of us created a list of the things we want to do before we die. However, have you also asked yourself what are the things you want to leave behind? Join us at our May 2021 Lunch and Learn Event and let's talk about what is important in life, hear personal stories from those who survive, and decide what legacy we want to create.
Live Event - 05/13/2021 at 12:00 Noon EST via Zoom.
Local Charity Spotlight: Rolling Thunder
1st Panel: Insights on Shaping your Legacy
2nd Panel: Insights on How Your Legacy Will Affect Your Loved Ones