A Drunk-Driving Victim to A Living Legacy: The Steven Benvenisti Story
On May 2022 Lunch and Learn Event: Legacy, Relax Teams invited Steven Benvenisti to share his inspiring story. Declare your legacy to the world. Start with those close to you...
Relax Teams
August 11, 2022 | Thursday | 12:00 Noon EST
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89922106710
Watch the live streaming on:
We invited professionals and experts to share their insights about the impact of the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown on education. Attend our LIVE event to know more about how school closures and homeschooling affect the learning opportunities of our students. What resources do we need to handle virtual education effectively especially for kids? What significant changes are being implemented by universities and colleges? As parents, how can we help our children adjust to the “new normal” in education? Ask our experts during the LIVE event!
Live Event - 03/11/2021 at 12:00 Noon EST via Zoom.
Local Charity Spotlight: Middle Earth
1st Panel: Insights on the Impact of the Pandemic on Young People’s Education Before College
2nd Panel: Insights on the Impact of the Pandemic on College Education and Beyond