Does your Business need Technology Innovations?

Does your Business need Technology Innovations?

In light of the impact of the pandemic, technology has been reactivated and re-imagined. TechTuesday invites technology industry experts, app developers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts for a learning call to discuss key tech know-hows, challenges, and innovations.

Watch #techtuesday Episode #2 and meet Scott Dickson of 20 Digits.

Hosted by: Jonathan Katz of Business on a Browser

Scott Dickson is 20 Digits' Chief Technology Officer. 

20 Digits is a technology startup dedicated to providing innovative solutions for the Facility Management Industry and all those that serve it. It is a subsidiary of a large enterprise, Nest International.

20 Digits, Integrated Facilities Management Software

How did Scott get into technology?

Scott explained that it was an unexpected set of events that sparked his interest in technology. He was assigned to work as a sales engineer for a manufacturing company, but was offered ownership of a very small data center due to the company's lack of in-house technology staff at the time. And from there, he spent his entire career dealing with end-to-end system stuff related to running a business and all the technical aspects that go along with it.

Responsibilities and Roles

  • Developing an organizational vision and enabling all employees to strive toward a common goal in the future
  • Making sure that the organizational architecture of technology is compatible with the business's mission
  • Monitoring the organization's long-term changes and adaptability to the solutions

Should businesses follow all new technological trends?

Not necessary.

Scott emphasized that businesses should not pursue technology trends solely for the sake of keeping up with what's new and copying what works for others. It should always be aligned first with the organization's long-term vision.

Additionally, not all technological advancements are appropriate to all organizations. One should bear in mind that if an organization is unable to obtain and optimize the benefits, it will provide no value and may result in resource waste.

Adaptation to New Solutions

Scott stated that it is critical for facility staff to experience the technology firsthand. That is why it is critical to avoid making the assumption that certain organizations will wish to adopt the solution presented.

At the early stages of any technology solution's development, it is critical to driving adaptability. The facility's staff should understand the solutions' intended use and functionality behind the scenes so they recognize its value and do not regard them as pointless.

Scott highly recommends Eric Reese's book "The Lean Startup" for helping organizations of all sizes in making better and faster business decisions.

Business Security

It’s a necessity. Security, like electricity or an internet connection, is essential to the operation of a business.

Scott stated that they've made significant investments in security fabric over the last few years to ensure they're building and delivering excellent security to their clients.

Scott's Favorite Piece of Technology 

Scott undoubtingly said that it is the Macbook Pro, its operating system, and everything else related to it. It's not cheap, but it's definitely worth it. The self-driving automobile is the next one if ever ready in the future.

Interested to know more about business innovations? Watch the video above!

Recommended Readings:


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