TBT Rare Finds Episode 1 Part 3

Throwback Thursdays You Don’t Want to Miss


#TBTRareFinds series will take you on an adventure into the culture and trends of the past including antiques, vintage items, art history, jewelry, clothing, collectibles, and other related topics.

 Watch #TBTRareFinds Episode #1 Part III and learn how you can be a part of it!

Hosted by: Dennis Harabin

Regardless of where you are in the country, if you are thinking of selling your home, you're going to find out that the real estate agent wants that house cleaned out of all its contents. 

That's what Caring Transitions help you do. They come in and help you do that.

Caring Transitions Near You

 Caring Transitions logo

Find out the location nearest you simply by going to caringtransitions.com. Put in a zip code to find the location nearest to you to help you get started with your own estate sale or auction. 

If you happen to be here in New Jersey, in addition to Caring Transitions, there is the Rare Finds consignment shop which is new in Providence, New Jersey. It is a collection of very rare and unusual items that have been found in homes throughout New Jersey. If you would like to be a guest on this particular podcast you can simply go to newjersey.com/guest.

#TBTRareFinds Invites You

 Rare Finds logo

Anybody who has expertise in a particular estate sale item or has some funny or unusual stories to tell about an estate sale that you've been to, those are the types of topics that we want to cover. Be a guest and we will feature YOU and your business on that segment. We'd love to have you!

That's what Relax Teams is all about. Its main goal is to help people to go in and be found and their businesses to grow. So we're excited to be able to help you have this throwback Thursday live stream and rarefindsnewjersey.com/guests.

Enter your information and we'll get in touch to help you coordinate and be able to get you as a guest on George’s show and be able to talk about fun stuff. 

If you need to reach out to Dennis and George, you can reach them with the information below to help coordinate whether it's to join Relax Teams and/or to get to be a guest on George's show.


TBTRareFinds will be starting out every other Thursday.


Dennis Harabin

Relax Tax

Website: https://relaxtax.com/

Relax Teams

Website: https://relaxteams.com/


George Pizzo

Caring Transitions

Website: https://www.caringtransitionswsc.com/


Website: https://www.rarefindsnj.com


Join our live stream Thursdays at 12 Noon EST on the following platforms:
Facebook | Youtube | LinkedIn
Relax Teams is proud to feature #TBTRareFinds Live Stream Series sponsored by Rare Finds NJ
RareFinds Banner 
Like an unexpected treasure, Rare Finds NJ is a consignment shop that has a vast collection of one-of-a-kind items. Whether you are looking for that one-of-a-kind furniture item or functional antique, their wide selection allows you to find exactly what your home needs. And if you ever need to convert your goods for cash Rare Finds can help on that too! Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, Rare Finds make the process simple and easy.
Relaxteams.com is a platform featuring top professionals from your area. These professionals join teams of like-minded individuals with skills that complement each other. Each team meets via Zoom to tell their stories and cross-promote each other’s services leading to new business opportunities. Members realize they are #strongertogether so join a team today!
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